
Weight Loss Wednesday–The Zero scale

While out and about, I picked up a Dr. Zevia (soda sweetened with stevia). I’ve had these before and loved them, but today it was not good. Странный.

I also chomped on some veggie chips on the way home. Then, I realized I’ve been making this a bigger practice lately. next year ‘not eating in my car’ ought to be a new rule. It’s not a necessity because I’m not that busy.
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Мемуар Джессики Симпсон – обзор открытой книги
Обзор новой книги Джессики Симпсон – Open Book. Певица и предприниматель раздают секреты и закулисные сюрпризы все в ее мемуарах.

Обзор звуковой книги – Джессика Симпсон читает ее сама! Плюс есть выгодные песни, когда вы получаете аудио версию!

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Travel Jane Review


Обед! My third favorite meal of the day (after breakfast and fro-yo). I made an Asian stir-fry with peanut sauce, noodles, lots of eggs and cashews. I am not kidding with the sodium on this one.

Weight Loss Wednesday stuff…

Yes, I find it very ironic that today is Weight Loss Wednesday and I am going to a cookie exchange party in a few hours. this time of year is very hard to maintain weight – let alone lose!

I made chocolate cake cookies with cake mix and chocolate chips. They were really good freshly baked last night – hope they are alright today!

Anyways, my goal for this season is to maintain my weight. With all the indulgences around – that’s hard enough without trying to get the scale to go down!!

I know some people are enemies with the scale because they get stuck on a number that can define if their day will be good or bad. It sucks.

But, I do think weighing in an easy way to check in at home outside of a pair of jeans. I personally can’t use pants because they’re all stretchy! (Yes, my jeans are stretch too. if not I’d have to get everything tailored or it’d stuck out at the back waist part.)

Luckily, there is a way to measure your weight without knowing the number – the Zero scale records your starting weight and then updates you on your weigh-ins. It doesn’t tell you how much you weigh, it tells you your progress!

From their site: “The Zero Scale: a unique, high quality restroom scale that only reports the amount of weight you lose or gain. This new type of restroom scale keeps your total weight a secret, making it simpler for you to stay focused on incremental progress.”

I love that progress is the focus and you can’t get stuck on a number! I am not sure if they are carried in stores, but you can purchase one online here. ***Enter  “zero” at checkout to receive 15% off.

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